Role of Project Manager Part 1

Flashcards and Notes on Role,Quality and influence of Project Manger

Card : 1

Define Project Manager

PM is the person assigned by performing organization

to lead the team that is responsible for achieving the project objectives


Card : 2

What is Project Manger’s Sphere of Influence?
  • Project Team, PP and resource Managers
  • Sponsors, Governing bodies ,PMO ,Steering committee
  • Stakeholder, end users, suppliers, customers


Card : 3

What are three skills of PM on PMI talent triangle?
  1. Technical Project Management
  2. Leadership
  3. Strategic and Business Management


Card : 4

What are common PM leadership styles?
  • Transactional
  • Servant Leader
  • Transformational
  • Charismatic
  • Interactional


Card : 5

What is Transactional Leadership?
  • Focuses on goals ,feedback and accomplishment to determine rewards
  • Management by exception


Card : 6

What is Servant Leadership?
  • Leadership is secondary, service first attitude
  • Focuses on other people’s growth, improvement, wellbeing etc.
  • Focusses on relationship


Card : 7

What is Transformational Leadership?

   Empowering followers through

  • Idealized attributes and behavior
  • Inspiration and motivation
  • Encourage innovations and creativity and individual consideration 


Card : 8

What is Charismatic Leadership?
  • High energy and enthusiastic
  • Able to inspire and self-confident and hold strong convictions


Card : 9

What is Interactional Leadership?

 Combination of

  1. Transactional Leadership
  2. Transformational Leadership
  3. Charismatic Leadership


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